In recent years several eye-opening documentaries about the ugly secrets of the food industry have been produced. Some have shed light on the devastating impact of agriculture on the environment, whereas others have revealed ways in which the public have been wildly mis-informed about what’s is considered harmful to the human body and what’s not. Whilst many of the food documentaries are based on the U.S. food system, there are a lot of interesting findings that will have you questioning your own eating habits!
Here are 7 of my favourite food documentaries that you can watch online.
The Game Changers, 2019
One of the latest food documentaries to hit our screens takes a very scientific approach to the benefits of a planet-based diet. Top athletes share how going plant-based dramatically improved their fitness and performance, whilst doctors and scientists back up their claims with compelling research. If you’re into fitness, this one will definitely get you thinking twice about what you put into your body! Watch it on Netflix.

This four-part mini-series on Netflix highlights the importance of one of human’s most basic skills: the ability to feed and cook for oursevles. Michael Pollan voices his concern that modern society is losing this vital skill and tries to inspire us to get back into our kitchens. Each episode focuses on a different element and takes inspiration from different cultures and cuisines about how cooking transforms food into delicous nutrition for our body. Watch it on Netflix.

What the Health, 2017
For anyone interested in learning about links between consumption of animal products (meat and dairy) and human health, check out this documentary. The producers try to investigate some of the largest health organisations in the U.S. and throw some of their practices into question, ultimately advocating for a planet-based diet. Watch it on Netflix.

Sustainable, 2016
Based on the U.S. agriculture industry, this documenary takes a look at the farmers who are trying to come up with innovative methods to sustain farming for future generations. A brief history of farming leads up to the current growth of the sustainable farming movement and how it might shape what we eat in the future. Watch it on Netflix.

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret, 2014
Produced by Leonardo DiCaprio, Cowspiracy is a compelling docu-film that exposes the devastating effects of the global agriculture industry on the environment. From its contribution to climate change, excessive water consumption, deforestation and ocean dead-zones, this documentary will change the way you look at animal farming. Watch it on Netflix.

What does a balanced plate look like?
Rotten is a documentary series on Netflix which exposes some of the darker stories within the food supply chain all around the world. From the decline in bees to the war on avocados, this series will open your eyes to issue you didn’t even know could exist. Watch it on Netflix.

The Magic Pill, 2017
This documentary looks at the benefits of a low-carb – high-fat diet, also known as the ketogenic diet. Using case studies ranging from indigenous people in Australia to children with severe autism to adults with diabetes and asthma, the producers claim that a low-carb – high-fat diet is closer to the way humans used to eat (as grains and legumes have only recently become part of our diet) and could have significant health benefits for some more modern diseases. Watch it on Netflix.

I hope you enjoyed watching these food documentaries as much as I did! I’ll continue to update the list as I discover more – subscribe to my mailing list to stay updated!
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